Creating Netflix-Worthy Recommendations: The Collaborative Filtering Revolution

8 min readSep 20, 2023


Collaborative filtering is like your buddy at the party who says, “If you loved that weird dance move, you’ll also dig these funky grooves!” 😄🎶📦 It’s how Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify turn your preferences into a never-ending surprise party! 🎉

There are two main types of collaborative filtering:

  • User-Based Collaborative Filtering (UBCF): UBCF focuses on finding users who are similar to the target user and making recommendations based on what similar users have liked. Here’s an example using a small set of users and their movie ratings:

In this table :

  • Users 1, 2, 3, and 4 have provided ratings for movies A, B, C, D, and E.
  • The “Target” user has not yet rated any movies, and we want to make recommendations for this user.

The UBCF algorithm will:

  1. Calculate the similarity between the “Target” user and each of the other users based on their movie ratings.
  2. Identify users with similar preferences to the “Target” user.
  3. Recommend movies liked by those similar users that the “Target” user has not yet rated.
  • Item-Based Collaborative Filtering (IBCF): IBCF focuses on finding similarities between items (movies in this example) and recommending similar items to the ones the target user has liked. Here’s an example:


  1. Similarity between items is calculated based on the ratings users have given to those items.
  2. Items that are similar to the ones the target user has liked (if any) are recommended to the target user.

Here’s a simplified example:

If the “Target” user has liked “Movie A” (rating > 0), the IBCF algorithm will look for movies similar to “Movie A” and recommend them to the “Target” user.

These tables illustrate how UBCF and IBCF differ in their approach to making recommendations based on user preferences and item similarities. The choice between them depends on the nature of the recommendation problem and the available data.

Differences between UBCF and IBCF:

These differences highlight the distinct approaches of User-Based Collaborative Filtering and Item-Based Collaborative Filtering. While both methods leverage user-item interaction data to provide recommendations, they differ in how they calculate similarity and determine what to recommend. The choice between these two approaches often depends on the nature of the data and the specific use case.

JavaScript Implementation

This JavaScript code provides a basic example of collaborative filtering. In practice, you would use real user data and more advanced techniques, such as matrix factorization and machine learning, to improve the accuracy of recommendations.

// Sample user-item ratings dataset (user ID, item ID, rating)
const ratings = [
{ userId: 1, itemId: 'A', rating: 5 },
{ userId: 1, itemId: 'B', rating: 4 },
{ userId: 2, itemId: 'A', rating: 4 },
{ userId: 2, itemId: 'B', rating: 5 },
{ userId: 3, itemId: 'A', rating: 3 },
{ userId: 3, itemId: 'C', rating: 4 },

// Function to calculate the similarity between two users
function calculateSimilarity(user1Id, user2Id) {
const commonItems = ratings.filter((rating) => {
return (
rating.userId === user1Id &&
(otherRating) =>
otherRating.userId === user2Id && otherRating.itemId === rating.itemId

if (commonItems.length === 0) {
return 0; // No common items, return a similarity of 0

let numerator = 0;
let denominatorUser1 = 0;
let denominatorUser2 = 0;

for (const commonItem of commonItems) {
const ratingUser1 = commonItem.rating;
const ratingUser2 = ratings.find(
(rating) => rating.userId === user2Id && rating.itemId === commonItem.itemId

numerator += ratingUser1 * ratingUser2;
denominatorUser1 += ratingUser1 * ratingUser1;
denominatorUser2 += ratingUser2 * ratingUser2;

const similarity =
denominatorUser1 === 0 || denominatorUser2 === 0
? 0 // Avoid division by zero
: numerator / (Math.sqrt(denominatorUser1) * Math.sqrt(denominatorUser2));

return similarity;

// Example usage
const user1Id = 1;
const user2Id = 2;
const similarity = calculateSimilarity(user1Id, user2Id);

console.log(`Similarity between user ${user1Id} and user ${user2Id}: ${similarity}`);

This JavaScript code calculates the similarity between two users in a user-item ratings dataset using a similarity metric called cosine similarity. Here’s how it works step by step:

  1. Dataset Initialization:
  • The code starts with initializing a dataset called ratings, which represents user-item ratings. Each entry in this dataset consists of a userId, an itemId, and a rating that the user has given to the item. There are three users (1, 2, and 3) and three items (A, B, and C) in this example.

2. calculateSimilarity Function:

  • The core of the code is the calculateSimilarity function, which takes two user IDs, user1Id and user2Id, as input and calculates their similarity.

3. Finding Common Items:

  • The first step is to find the common items that both users have rated. It does this by filtering the ratings array for items that have been rated by both user1Id and user2Id. It uses the filter function to find items that have the same userId as user1Id and checks if there exists a corresponding rating by user2Id for the same item using ratings.some.

4. Calculating Numerator and Denominators:

  • If there are common items between the two users, the code proceeds to calculate the cosine similarity. It initializes variables:

numerator to accumulate the product of ratings for common items. denominatorUser1 to accumulate the square of ratings by user1Id for common items.

denominatorUser2 to accumulate the square of ratings by user2Id for common items.

5. Iterating Over Common Items:

  • It then iterates through the common items and calculates the cosine similarity components:

ratingUser1 is the rating given by user1Id for the current common item.

ratingUser2 is the rating given by user2Id for the same item.

It accumulates ratingUser1 * ratingUser2 to the numerator.

It accumulates ratingUser1 * ratingUser1 to denominatorUser1.

It accumulates ratingUser2 * ratingUser2 to denominatorUser2.

6. Calculating Cosine Similarity:

  • After processing all common items, it calculates the cosine similarity using the formula:
similarity = numerator / (sqrt(denominatorUser1) * sqrt(denominatorUser2))

It checks for cases where either denominatorUser1 or denominatorUser2 is zero to avoid division by zero and returns a similarity of 0 in such cases.

7. Result:

  • Finally, it returns the calculated similarity between the two users, which is a value between -1 and 1 (where 1 indicates perfect similarity), and prints this value to the console.

8. Example Usage:

  • The code includes an example usage where it calculates the similarity between user1Id and user2Id and prints the result.

The above code is a basic implementation of calculating similarity between two users in a user-item ratings dataset, which is a fundamental concept in collaborative filtering. It does demonstrate the core idea of collaborative filtering, but there are some improvements and considerations to make it a more complete and efficient example:

  • Scalability: This code’s performance can be a concern with large datasets. It compares all pairs of items between two users, which can be inefficient when you have many users and items. For better scalability, you might want to consider using more advanced algorithms like matrix factorization or using specialized libraries for collaborative filtering.
  • Normalization: The code doesn’t normalize the ratings. Normalization can help in improving recommendations by accounting for different rating scales and user behaviors. You can center the ratings by subtracting each user’s average rating from their ratings.
  • Sparse Data Handling: It doesn’t handle the case where users have rated only a few items. In practice, you might want to set a minimum threshold of common items between users for calculating similarity.
  • Other Similarity Metrics: While the code uses Pearson correlation, there are other similarity metrics such as Cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, or even more advanced techniques like adjusted cosine similarity that might be more suitable depending on your specific use case.
  • Memory Optimization: This code stores all ratings in memory for each calculation. In a real-world scenario, you’d likely want to use a more memory-efficient data structure or even a database to store and retrieve ratings.
  • Recommender System: Collaborative filtering is often used for building recommender systems. The example you provided calculates similarity, but it doesn’t actually make item recommendations for a user. In a complete system, you’d use the calculated similarities to recommend items to users.
  • Data Preprocessing: Real-world datasets usually require significant preprocessing. You might need to handle missing values, outliers, and data cleaning.
  • Evaluation: To measure the effectiveness of your collaborative filtering system, you should use evaluation metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).

The code here provided is a basic illustration of collaborative filtering but lacks many real-world considerations for building a production-ready recommender system. Depending on your goals, you might want to look into more advanced techniques and libraries like Surprise, scikit-learn, or specialized recommender system frameworks to work with larger and more complex datasets efficiently.

Real-World Applications

Collaborative filtering is used extensively by major companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify to suggest products, movies, and music to users based on their historical preferences and behavior. These companies collect vast amounts of user data to create personalized experiences and increase user engagement. In conclusion, collaborative filtering is a fundamental algorithm for personalized recommendations and plays a crucial role in enhancing user experiences across various industries, making it an essential algorithm used by some of the world’s biggest companies.

About the Author:

Nishant Choudhary is a Software Developer with around 2 years of experience in Software Development where he worked in multiple organizations and contributed to solving different kinds of complex problems with his creativity and enthusiasm for learning and different kinds of skills such as problem-solving, web designing and development, analysis of architecture and development of Progressive Web Applications.

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